LA Metro and RIITS Offer Licenses to Big Data Platform, Measure Up! LOCUS, Updated With New 2021-2022 Data Sets

September 14, 2023 (Los Angeles, CA)— Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (RIITS) and Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (LA Metro) regional travel patterns data platform, Measure Up! LOCUS, is now updated with new datasets from 2021-2022 and is open for use by all government agencies, their private partners (including consultants) and academic institutions. With this release, four consecutive years of passenger travel data (2019-2022) are available through the program, allowing users to extract rich travel trends with spatial, modal, equity, and other trip attributes. 

“Government agencies and researchers often have limited resources and data to conduct analyses that are critical to understanding how communities live and move,” says Anurag Komanduri, Vice President of Cambridge Systematics (CS). “By offering access to a high quality data product at no cost, LA Metro is empowering agencies across LA County with data insights that will be critical to improving transit, sustainability, safety, and goods movement for all of LA County’s citizens, especially disadvantaged communities.”

LA Metro, RIITS, Measure Up!, and CS teamed up earlier this year to launch Measure Up! LOCUS, a set of interactive data dashboards to provide insight on travel patterns in the LA region. In addition to the passenger travel data, the program also offers goods movement truck travel data obtained from the regional heavy-duty truck model (HDT) in 2019 via interactive dashboard tools. The new 2021-2022 passenger dataset is provided through LOCUS, Cambridge Systematics’ big data platform, and free licenses to access the newly updated tool are available through LA Metro.  

Who is this for?  

All U.S government agencies, their private partners (including consultants), and academic institutions after completion of an application for access.  

What questions can Measure Up! LOCUS answer? 

Measure Up! LOCUS can help you answer many questions. View the images below to see 3 example use cases.  

Composite image of screenshot with labels, showing

Get a snapshot of the travel market in one view.

Composite image of screenshots, charts and tables, showing where and how travel is recovering.

Understand where and how travel is recovering.

Composite image of screenshots with facts called out, showing commuting patterns to Downtown LA.


Here are other ways you can leverage Measure Up! LOCUS… 

  • Analyze granular travel patterns by travel mode (walk, bike, transit, auto), equity communities, time of day and day of week, travel purpose, and trip distance, at Neighborhood and Block Group level for each of the four years of data. 

  • View year-over-year travel pattern trends between 2019 and 2022 at a Neighborhood level. 

  • Extract top origin-destination pairs for different travel markets (for example, commute trips). 

  • Assess heavy-duty goods movement by vehicle class, time of day, and origin-destination geographies (Neighborhoods and Block Groups) for model year 2019. 

  • Examine the impact of COVID on commuting patterns at a neighborhood level in 2019 and 2020. 


How is the data obtained?  

Passenger travel information from anonymized, location-based services data from smartphones, supplemented with transit farecard and ridership data (APC, ridership from regional providers) and Equity-focus Communities (EFC) data from LA Metro. 

What’s next for Measure Up! LOCUS?

In addition to the passenger flows, a new goods movement tool for 2021 developed using truck GPS data will also be released shortly. CS, LA Metro, and RIITS will be jointly hosting webinars and training sessions highlighting the tool’s capabilities and multitude of use cases that can benefit from these data.

More about the LOCUS and LA Metro Partnership

This renewal marks six years of LOCUS in Los Angeles County. LOCUS has supported some of the most pressing transportation projects in the county aimed at improved mobility, equity, and sustainability -  LA Metro’s NextGen Bus Redesign, I710 and I405 Congested Multimodal Corridor Plans, SCAG Climate Plan, Metro’s Rail Network Integration Study, Travel Demand Management Plan, Regional Connector and Green Line Market Analyses, Metrolink Burbank Airport Rail Connectivity Analysis, and Foothill Transit Comprehensive Operations Analysis, amongst others.

Media Contact

Christina Huang
Marketing & Communications Specialist


About Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) 

We serve as transportation planner and coordinator, designer, builder, and operator for the country’s largest, most populous county. More than 10 million people – nearly one-fourth of California’s residents – live, work and play within our 1,433-square-mile service area. Visit

About Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems - Measure Up! Program 

RIITS supports the exchange of transportation information and resources between and within government organizations for regional operational mobility improvements. The Metro Arterial Performance Measurement Program (known as Measure Up!) evaluated the performance of major arterials throughout Los Angeles County to provide agencies and stakeholders with a detailed, reliable assessment of service on each part of the network, and to establish a baseline for evaluation of various arterial improvements and investments. Visit  

About Cambridge Systematics – LOCUS 

Cambridge Systematics, Inc. has specialized in transportation for more than 50 years. By providing innovative solutions in planning, modeling, analytics, operations and software applications, we help our clients make decisions to meet future transportation needs while enhancing the performance of existing infrastructure. To help our clients understand challenging travel behavior questions, we created LOCUS, a suite of customizable data products built using anonymized Location-based Services (LBS) data. These products can be used readily with traditional transportation data sources to provide flexible, current and right-sized solutions for your agency. Visit or click here to learn more about LOCUS. 

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