LOCUS Person

Understand real-world, multi-modal travel patterns for residents and visitors.

See how people move in your region.

Our standardized yet customizable dashboards help you understand real-world travel behavior for motorized travel, walking, and cycling on the local, regional, and national levels. 


  • Model Validation

  • Trend Analysis

  • Transit Redesigns

  • Survey Support

Model Validation

Design, validate, and calibrate your models with ground-truthed data to facilitate decision-making based on observed travel patterns.

Trend Analysis

Analyze year-over-year changes in travel patterns using consistent, dependable metrics.

Transit Redesigns

Integrate transit data (farecard and APC) with LOCUS data, providing insights on the transit travel market in your region.

Survey Support

Support household travel surveys by enhancing sampling plans based on observed travel patterns.

A collage of screenshots of various features of LOCUS Passenger.
Illustration of a laptop with a large folder on the screen, connected to three floating boxes depicting various data sources/charts.

Data Sources

LOCUS Person is powered by high-quality Location Based Services (LBS) data that provide detailed insights on a multitude of transportation metrics.

Our standard data product provides insights on walk, bike, and motorized trips. We also offer the option to integrate regional transit data, enabling a comprehensive view of all modes of transportation.


Motorized + Active Modes

Answer critical questions about vulnerable road users and active transportation. Our advanced algorithms infer motorized vs. non-motorized modes of travel based on LBS data. We can also integrate with transit data, enabling a comprehensive view of all modes of travel: walk, bike, transit, and auto.

Illustration of two mobile phones with different dotted lines and location pins on the screen.
Illustration of an infinity symbol shaped flow, with illustrations over top: a paper with charts on it, location pins, a magnifying glass over a map.

O-D Flows You Can Trust

LOCUS Person provides insights on travel between any origin and destination. We use standard zonal structures, such as census geographies (including block groups and counties). We also support custom, user-defined zones.

Our expanded and validated O-D flows can be filtered by attributes such as trip purpose, residency, time-of-day, day-of-week, trip distance, and custom definitions of equity. 

LA Metro: NextGen Bus Network Redesign

For LA Metro, LOCUS powered the NextGen Bus Network Redesign to align the regional network with evolving travel patterns in the area, enhance the quality of transit service to equity populations, build out a recovery plan post-COVID, and enhance the competitiveness of transit in the region. Contact us to learn how Metro leveraged LOCUS data (integrated with transit and routing datasets) to identify priority travel markets and evaluate the efficacy of the new system.

Baltimore Metropolitan Council: Activity-Based Model Support

For the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC), LOCUS Person data was used in the calibration, validation, and enhancement of the regional travel demand model. Traditional survey methods, capturing a mere 0.1% of the population, were surpassed by LOCUS's ability to capture 8-10% of the population and include multiple travel days (instead of only one or two). Through this work, LOCUS was able to positively affect baseline model conditions, model quality, and planning outcomes.

DOTI: Denver Moves Everyone Strategic Plan

LOCUS and Cambridge Systematics led the development of Denver Moves Everyone (DME), a Strategic Transportation Plan for the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI). LOCUS data helped quantify current travel patterns, validate the outputs of the regional travel demand model, and prioritize projects with an emphasis on equity. 

Orange County, New York:  Travel Demand Model Update

Orange County, New York has used LOCUS Person to support several significant planning and modeling efforts in the region. The initial application involved creating a detailed trip table to validate the County's travel demand forecasting model. This was the first time location-based services data had been successfully used for model estimation, replacing the need for a household travel survey!

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