LOCUS Performance
Analyze performance measures on your road network and corridors.
Uncover intelligent traffic analysis.
Gain comprehensive insights into your transportation system performance, including historic travel times and speeds along the road network.
Network Analysis
Select Link Analysis
Special Events
Network Analysis
Examine individual roadway segments or entire corridors, delving into travel times, speeds, and traffic volumes. Identify recurring and non-recurring congestion and bottlenecks.
Select Link Analysis
Examine the composition of traffic on a specific roadway segment, including the share of those trips that use roadway segments upstream and downstream of the segment of interest and vehicular origins and destinations.
Special Events
Assess the impacts of special events on network performance around event venues and O-D patterns for vehicular trips ending in the event venue.

Data Sources
Powered by a robust sample of connected vehicle data, LOCUS Performance offers direct access to the industry's largest historical database of transportation system data.
Metrics You Can Trust
- Measure stability and reliability of travel times on a route.
- Identify congestion bottlenecks and assess their effects.
- Assess the impact of changes in the road network.
- Detect the influence of seasonality, events, and incidents on traffic.
- Prioritize problematic congestion spots on a route.
- Display typical speeds (percentiles, mean, median).
- Provide ground truth speeds and travel times for use in travel models.
- Select link analyses examining traffic on specific roadway segments.
- Support corridor-level and area-specific analyses in a small area.
Unlock the power of big data amplified by human insight.
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